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Teacher Training
We provide outstanding training for all our staff.
All of our training is based on evidence of what works, not what the latest fad in education says we should do. Our training is based on the explicit direct instruction (EDI) model.
We work closely with the Teaching Apprentice Programme (TAP) allowing new trainees to learn on the job. We train over 40 new teachers a year through this fully funded route. Many of these successful trainees are now permanently employed in the trust.
We train our staff exceptionally well. In fact, working at CST will make it easier for you to get a job elsewhere. Not that we want staff to leave, but if they do, it is nearly always because they have secured a promotion.
School Centred Initial Teacher Training
We have partnered with the Boleyn Trust as the secondary delivery partner for the region's London District East Teaching School Hub (TSH). This is also in conjunction with Ambition Institute on the Early Career Framework. In fact, one of our leaders is a Visiting Fellow of Ambition Institute responsible for the early careers teachers across the Trust.
We are part of a teaching school hub, linked to Ambition Institute, to allow us to develop new teachers into the profession to a very high standard.
Working with CST means you will have a positive impact on the world. You will improve the lives of hundreds of children. We look forward to receiving your applications to work with us.
Our programmes:
School Direct Tuition Fee Programme (QTS)
- Computing - (course code N335)
- Geography - (course code W276)
- Mathematics - (course code D702)
- Design Technology - (course code Q461)
School Direct PGCE Programme (QTS) with the University of East London
- Physics- (course code N313)
- Chemistry - (course code R909)